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Why Group Fitness Classes Make Such Great Workouts

For today’s gym goers, heading to the gym is about more than just exercise. They are joining group classes for social connection and motivation. Group fitness classes are extremely effective, and if you haven’t gone to one yet, you’re missing out! Find out all about the benefits of group fitness below:

You’re surrounded by other motivated individuals.

You can see the “group effect” at work in group fitness classes. The group effect is “a type of bias that occurs in face-to-face group discussions where some participants moderate their opinions in order to go along with a majority view of the rest of the group.” In a group fitness class setting, this translates to bringing those energy and motivation levels up to match those around you! You are going to feel more motivated when the entire room is boosting with energy, and less tired when you feel those around you keeping their energy levels up after a particularly intense interval!



You don’t have to plan your own workout.

In a group fitness class, you’re simply showing up and doing as your instructor tells you! Typically, group fitness classes include a warm up and a cool down at the end of class, so you feel prepared before you start your workout and before you leave the gym or studio.That’s less pressure on YOU to plan the perfect, well-timed workout that’s not only meeting all of your fitness needs, but keeping you entertained and having FUN!

You learn the correct form.

It’s extremely important to have the proper form when strength training and exercising. It’s an instructor’s job to show proper form, and also to make sure all participants are executing their exercises in a safe way. This way, it’s like having a personal trainer without the cost.

Find a PILOXING class near you.

Group fitness classes allow for varying levels of difficulty.

You can always learn a lower impact technique for a particular exercise if you are struggling to complete it, or amp it up if you find the move too easy. You can also check out how your fellow class participants are performing a certain exercise or routine and model what they are doing!




You get lots of variety of workouts.

PILOXING offers 4 different classes, from heavy heart pumping boxing+plyometrics with KNOCKOUT, to fun commercial dance cardio routines with THE MIX. Not only can you take different kinds of classes, from a spin class to crossfit, but the classes themselves differ in routine, as well. THE MIX instructors get new choreography and music every two weeks!

You get to meet others (and compete with them, if you want!).

If you’re a social person, meeting others in a group fitness class is incredibly easy and very satisfying. Sweating together is a great bonding experience! If you’re a competitive person, this social aspect of group fitness classes is a great motivator for some friendly competition, pushing you to work harder than the person next to you.

Group fitness holds you accountable.

If you sign up for a class, you’re more likely to go! Oftentimes you have to sign up or prepay in advance to reserve your spot, which is a great way to hold yourself accountable. If it’s on your calendar and you paid for it, it’s much harder to skip it. If your gym or fitness studio doesn’t require you to sign up, go with a friend and make it an official appointment on your calendar.

Group fitness is the future of exercising. Get social, get moving, and have FUN! Find a PILOXING class, sign up for spin, or take a few different styles of group exercise classes  to find the one that works best for you.


Are you a gym owner? Find out how you can increase your retention rates with group fitness, and find out how you can bring PILOXING to YOUR gym.


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