I am an avid sports enthusiast with an acro gymnastics background since the age of 11 Believing in building strength and flexibility has always been a way of life that I have tried to maintain One of my biggest passions is to train and develop people and help them to be the best they can be As a training and education specialist this has allowed me to live my passion through my profession in the training of adults in several fields including management emotional intelligence customer care and many other areas Qualifying as a group fitness Piloxing SSP and Zumba instructor in several of the specialties has also allowed me to take my passion outside of the professional work arena into my passion for fitness and healthy life styles There is no greater reward than to introduce Piloxing to a group of people and see the surprise turn into love and passion after the very first class Join a class today it will not only change your body but will change you how you look at yourself and bring back your self love and confidence in a big way
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